Shower Sex: Tips for an Enjoyable and Safe Experience

Looking to spice up your shower routine with your partner? From non-slip mats to adjustable showerheads, there are plenty of ways to make your shower a safe and sexy space for intimacy. And if you really want to turn up the heat, consider introducing some interactive sex toys into the mix. These toys can be controlled remotely, allowing you and your partner to take your shower play to the next level. Check out for a wide selection of interactive toys that are sure to make your shower sessions sizzle.

Shower sex can be an exciting and steamy addition to your sex life. The combination of warm water, slippery surfaces, and close proximity can create a thrilling and sensual experience. However, it's important to approach shower sex with caution to avoid any potential accidents or injuries. In this article, we'll discuss some tips for having an enjoyable and safe experience with shower sex.

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Setting the Mood

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Before jumping into the shower, take some time to set the mood. Dim the lights, light some candles, and put on some soft music to create a romantic and sensual atmosphere. You can also add some bath oils or bubbles to enhance the experience and make the shower feel more luxurious.

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Choosing the Right Position

When it comes to shower sex, choosing the right position is crucial for both safety and enjoyment. The slippery surfaces of the shower can make certain positions more challenging, so it's important to find a position that feels comfortable and secure for both partners. Consider positions that allow for stability and support, such as standing face to face or one partner leaning against the wall while the other partner stands behind.

Using a Non-Slip Mat

To prevent any slips or falls, consider placing a non-slip mat in the shower. This will provide a stable and secure surface for you and your partner to stand on, reducing the risk of any accidents. Additionally, having a non-slip mat can also make it easier to maintain your balance and focus on the pleasure of the experience.

Taking It Slow

The combination of water and soap can make the surfaces of the shower extremely slippery, so it's important to take things slow and be mindful of your movements. Avoid any sudden or jerky movements that can increase the risk of slipping or falling. Instead, focus on slow, deliberate movements that allow you to maintain your balance and enjoy the sensations of the shower.

Using Water-Based Lubricant

While the water in the shower can provide natural lubrication, it's still a good idea to use a water-based lubricant to enhance the experience. Water-based lubricants are safe to use with condoms and can help reduce friction and discomfort during shower sex. Applying a generous amount of lubricant can also help compensate for the water and make the experience more enjoyable for both partners.

Communicating with Your Partner

As with any sexual activity, communication is key when it comes to shower sex. Check in with your partner to make sure they're comfortable and enjoying themselves, and be open to adjusting your position or movements to accommodate their needs. Additionally, be mindful of any signals or cues that indicate discomfort or pain, and be prepared to stop or change positions if necessary.


After your shower sex session, take some time to care for yourselves and each other. Dry off thoroughly to remove any excess water, and be sure to moisturize your skin to prevent any dryness or irritation. If you used condoms during shower sex, dispose of them properly and consider using a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser to wash any residual lubricant from your body.

In conclusion, shower sex can be a fun and exhilarating experience, but it's important to approach it with caution and mindfulness. By following these tips, you can ensure that you and your partner have a safe and enjoyable time in the shower. So, go ahead and add some spice to your sex life with a steamy shower session, but remember to prioritize safety and communication for a truly satisfying experience.